January Review

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Oh boy, januari sudah berakhir.. coba Hanri, apa aja yang udah lu kerjain selama seperduabelas tahun 2010 ini?

Hmm.. the good thing is I have taken my IELTS test, I doubt with the result nonetheless. However, it was a tremendous step in my effort for continuing my study. From my perspective at least..

Another one, I have made one of my dreams come true. Another family vacation. Though it was not such an amazing trip, but it was quite memorable..

Aha, friends reunion, it was also happened in January. err.. I'm not sure that it can be considered as my accomplishment, are you?

Aside of all those good things, why don't we now review the bads.. Again, I could not finish or in fact, i did not do anything about the responsibilities given to me.. What a shame.. That's because I'm not really keen on it, as usual, and I was distracted by lots of things. This proves that I'm still a true gentleman, a creature that not created for multitasking tasks, hehe..

Waduh, kenapa jadi pake bahasa inggris ngaco gini ya..
Yawda, terakhir, Ya Allah, semoga di sebelas bulan terakhir ini saya bisa memenuhi apa yang sudah saya targetkan selama ini. Jadikan ini tahun terbaik saya, dimana saya kembali mendapatkan mukjizatMu ya Allah..