Happy Three Friends

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Alkisah tiga sahabat..

Dulu saling berkeluh kesah di kantin fakultas..

Membahas cita dan angan bersama..

Jaman-jaman ngomongin orang tiada akhir..

Mencoba berbagai kesempatan yang ada, yang sepertinya belum berkenan menyambangi mereka bertiga..

Test sertifikasi bahasa bersama..

Berada di ujung asa bersama..

And now, the devil's circle has came to an end..

We are pursuing our own destiny..

This is our turn..

Good luck fellas..

Hope we will re-unite out there..

It is a pride to be part of your life..

And having y'll in my life is priceless..

For my bests: MI & QQ

Another Half-opened Door, Bismillah

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One door has already been three-quarterly opened.. Alhamdulillah..


Dear Allah, is it wrong if I ask you to open my other half-opened door.. Please help me ya Allah..